Xi'an | investinchina.chinaservicesinfo.com


chinadaily.com.cn Updated: 2020-10-22

Xi'an's advanced manufacturing is developing at a rapid pace. Output value of its manufacturing companies above designated size reached 519.45 billion yuan ($74.95 billion) in 2018 and more than 55 percent of them were from the high-end manufacturing field.

It has had six pillar industries in the field, electronic information manufacturing, automobiles, aerospace, advanced equipment, new materials and new energy and also bio-pharmaceutical. It aims to have a nationally leading system of advanced manufacturing and develop more than six pillar sectors with each worth more than 100 billion yuan by the end of 2025.

According to statistics from the Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics, by the end of 2017, among the industrial enterprises above designated size in Xi'an, there were 448 advanced manufacturing enterprises, accounting for 31.2 percent; In the whole year, the total industrial output value of the advanced manufacturing enterprises was 239.149 billion yuan, an increase of 15.1 percent, and the contribution rate of these enterprises to the growth of the industrial enterprises above designated size reached 93.8 percent.

In addition, with the development of new industries and new economies, new products conforming to the industrial transformation and upgrading are constantly emerging, and their production is growing rapidly. In 2017, the industrial enterprises above designated size in Xi'an produced 81,500 new energy vehicles, 30.2305 million smart phones, 38,600 smart TVs, and 1,245 three-dimensional printing devices.