Xiangyang Economic and Technological Development Zone | investinchina.chinaservicesinfo.com

Xiangyang Economic and Technological Development Zone

www.chinaservicesinfo.com Updated: 2020-10-22

Xiangyang Economic and Technological Development Zone is a national-level economic development zone founded on Sept 26, 2010.

It administrates the Dongjin and Liuji districts, with a total area of 308 sq km. Located in the northeast of Xiangyang city, the zone is home to the Liuji Airport and the Xiangyang East Railway Station.

The Dongjin New Area, which was founded in 2012, is the core area of the development zone. Situated in the east of Xiangyang city, the new area has a planned area of 218 sq km. It is designed as the central business district as well as the administrative, financial, technological, cultural and medical hub of the city. It highlights such industries as high-end equipment manufacturing, electronic information and cultural creative industries.