Cross-border e-commerce retail imports top 100b yuan in Ningbo |

Cross-border e-commerce retail imports top 100b yuan in Ningbo Updated: 2021-11-16
Customs officials examine cross-border e-commerce imports in Ningbo, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/WeChat account: nbfb0574]

Ningbo has become China's first city to see cross-border e-commerce retail imports top 100 billion yuan ($15.38 billion), local authorities announced on Nov 11.

In 2012, the city in East China's Zhejiang province was listed among the country's first batch of five cities for piloting cross-border e-commerce.

In 2016, the State Council approved the establishment of the China (Ningbo) cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone.

From 2018 to 2020, Ningbo topped the nation in both bonded cross-border ecommerce import transaction volume and aggregate value..

The imports were mainly from countries including Australia, the United States, Germany, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand, and the three most popular categories of goods were cosmetics, health care products, and maternal and infant products.

Tmall International, Kaola Global, and Suning are the prime cross-border online shopping channels for local customers.

There is currently 1.1 million square meters of bonded warehouse area for cross-border e-commerce imports in Ningbo.