Delegation promotes Shanghai’s global strength at trade fair |

Delegation promotes Shanghai’s global strength at trade fair Updated: 2022-09-09
The Shanghai booth is showcased at the 22nd CIFIT. [Photo provided to]

Shanghai has organized a 150-member delegation to attend the 22nd International Fair for Investment and Trade in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province, to showcase its business environment and introduce new policies for investors.

The fair, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, has been one of the most important events of its kind in China. It runs through September 8 to 11 with a theme of sharing digital opportunities and investing in a green future. It has attracted investors from 66 countries and regions this year.

A total of 41 seminars and forums as well as 19 heavyweight activities are being held during the four-day fair. Some authoritative information and reports, including China's latest guide for foreign investment and investment reports for BRICS, will also be released during the fair.

The Shanghai delegation staged a promotional event this morning(Sept 9) to publicize the 2022 version of the investment guild for foreign investors, held a signing ceremony for companies that are intending to make investments and highly recommended several investment destinations in Shanghai including Hongqiao South and Zhuanqiao town.

The delegation from Shanghai includes officials and company representatives from nine districts of the municipality, China's commerce center and an investment hotbed.

Representatives from overseas investment promotion institutes, including Brussels, Spain Catalonia's trade and investment organization in Shanghai and foreign funded companies in the municipality have also joined the delegation.

The exhibition booth of Shanghai, taking up an area of 216 square meters at the central space of the fair, has been the largest booth over the past 11 years. It showcases the municipality's business environment for foreign investment, the major investment areas and industrial layout.

The eye-catching display contents were arranged in four categories—from global superior city, investment major areas, industrial innovation and upgrading to building a modern socialist metropolis with global influence.

Wide-screen promotional videos and large-sized pictures of Shanghai landscapes, together with the achievements and data to show the global rankings, reveal the municipality’s powerful strength and strong investment competitiveness.

Promotional posters help the visitors better understand the industrial development layout and advantages of different districts in Shanghai.

The successful China International Import Expo, which is held in Shanghai annually, and the strategic positioning of the municipality help to realize the long-term goals and development of Shanghai.

In terms of exhibition platform building, the delegation of Shanghai used 100 percent environment-friendly materials, including stainless steel equipment and LED and touch screens, to make the booth green and innovative.

It is echoing the theme of the fair for a green future, and highlights the concept of low-carbon development and the green economy of Shanghai.

Meanwhile, the booth was designed in colorful tones for the first time to showcase the city's diversified and dynamic image as well as its open and fuse gesture for investors.

In terms of exhibits, batches of high-tech products that could represent the latest technological hedge of manufacturing companies in Shanghai have been displayed at the fair.

According to the city government of Shanghai, it has always given priority to attracting foreign investment. It has been a leader in China to explore the management system for national treatment and the negative list, improve the level of investment and trade liberalization and facilitation. It has become a preferred destination for multinational companies to set up their industrial chains, supply chains and innovation chains.

Despite the stringent situation in the first half of this year, Shanghai kept positive growth in the actual use of foreign funds, surpassing $12 billion.

From January to June this year, 26 new regional headquarters of multinational companies and 10 foreign-funded research and development centers were settled in Shanghai.

So far more than 60,000 foreign-funded enterprises have invested and developed in the municipality.

An overseas investor talks to staff and shows great interest in Shanghai. [Photo provided to]