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Lingao Corner [Photo/www.lingao.gov.cn]

Location and resources

Lingao county is located in the northwest of Hainan island, bordering Chengmai county in the east, Danzhou city in the southwest and Qiongzhou Strait in the north. It is 34 kilometers long from east to west and 47 km from north to south, covering a land area of 1,317 square kilometers.

It is 82 km away from Haikou, the provincial capital, and has the Roundabout West Highway and Roundabout Railway running through it.

The county has fertile soil and abundant resources, and it has long been dubbed the "land of fish and rice." It is rich in rice, seeds, melons, bananas and rubber and has famous dishes such as roasted suckling pigs and Duowen water spinach in Maniao and Xinying towns.

Its coastline is 114.7 km long. There are 11 harbors, including the natural harbors of Jinpai, Xinying, Diaolou and Huanglong.

The shallow beach area is 5,333 hectares, which is good for developing the fishing industry. The output and output value of marine fishing ranks first in the province. The county also boasts abundant tourism resources, including Lin'gao Cape, Gaoshan Ridge, Duowen Ridge, Bairen Beach, Houshui Bay, Maniao Bay, Guyin Waterfall, the former residence of Wang Zuo (a martyr of the Chinese Revolution) and a Confucian temple.

Based on its unique customs and historical relics, the county was named "the homeland of Chinese folk art," "the cradle of Chinese Taiji" and "the land of Chinese poems". The folk song "li li mei" and its man-and-puppet shows are national intangible cultural heritage items.

Key industries

Lingao's leading industries include tropical fisheries and highly productive tropical agriculture. Key industries to invest in include highly productive tropical agriculture, tourism, healthcare and the e-commerce industry.


Lingao Bureau of Commerce

Address: 4th Floor, No 3 Building of County Party Committee, Wenming East Road, Lingcheng town, Lingao county, Hainan

Tel: 86-0898-28281466

Email: 121037195@qq.com

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